Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Honey,Money and dynasty

Recently the scion of "The Family" compared India to "Beehive".Nothing extraordinary about that.Right from the days of Nehru this dynasty has been so fond of extracting Honey from the "Beehive" and Money from the exchequer that they can not but treat India-our and Modi's mother as nothing else but some sort of a beehive.There has been always a Queen Bee and the bees around.Whenever you throw a stone at the beehive, the bees just sting you all over and the scions of the family come prepared to extract honey from the hive.And they have been thriving on the honey for decades.Congenital parasites these.

The so called Indian national Congress has made a full circle from A O Hume to Anatonio Maino alias Sonia Gandhi.The party was hijacked by Nehru soon after independence despite the cry of the Father of the Nation to turn the Congress into  Lok Sewak Sangh rather than a political party. But Nehru knew without a political party he would not be able to fulfill  his political ambitions. So he ignored Gandhi's advice and threw this party into the election arena to capture power.The man ruled India for full 18 years, enjoying all the honey from the hive.Barring a brief period when Shastri became India's prime minister and and a few more interruptions,, the family has been ruling India as their fiefdom enjoying all the honey and money to which the common man should have had the exclusive rights!

Now when a stage has come when there is the emergence of a mass leader - Narendra Modi- on the political horizon-the family and its private limited company have become immensely restless. They see in Modi a threat to their very existence  and exclusive right over country's honey and money.Things are turning really dismal for them.Let us see what the morrow has in store for them-Whether they continue to enjoy the honey and money or they get deprived of it for ever.

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